made to member

Reports (continued)
Exchange restrictions, annual, Art. XIV, Sec. 3
General scarcity of particular currency, Art. VII, Sec. 2
Other reports deemed desirable, Art. XII, Sec. 7(b)
Publication of, made to member regarding its monetary or economic con-
ditions Inflatable Park which tend to produce serious disequilibrium in international
balance of payments, Art. XII, Sec. 8
Summary statement of operations and transactions and holdings of special
drawing rights, gold, and members’ currencies, Art. XII, Sec. 7(a)
Repurchases of currency held by Fund:
Change of periods for, Art. V, Sec. 7(c), (d), ( f )
Conditions governing, Art. V, Sec. 7(b)–( j); Art. XXVII, Sec. 1(a)(i);
